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Blue Flowers

    ###Homeopathic Remedies note###

Homeopathic remedies cover a very wide range of sympthoms. It is advisable to seek out help from a homeopath in regards to anything outside of first aid issues. Long term and chronic illnesses require long term consultations and sometimes a range of remedies which are not found in the kits above. For a general idea of what each remedy treats in its first aid setting please continue to read below.

Remedies and their uses


Help’s with - Fever in colds & flus, Nerve & Dental pain, Anxiety & Nervousness, Panic Attacks, Shock & Trauma, Tonsillitis, Nightmares, Palpitations, Numbness in limbs,


Helps with - Shocks & Frights, Bleeding, Bruising, Muscle Pains, Sprains & Strains, Cuts, Scrapes & Minor Burns, Sports Injuries
Post surgery recovery.

Apis Mel

Help’s with – Insect bites, Allergic reaction with Hives, Swelling & Itching, Burn’s & Sunburn’s, Inflammation of the tongue, Meningitis, Breast inflammation, Prostate enlargement

Arsenicum Album

Help’s with -
Gastrointestinal, Food poisoning, diarrhea vomiting, weakness fatigue, Conventional medicine side effects, Smelling yellow/ blood stained vaginal discharge


Help’s with – Fever Hot Flushed skin, Inflammation Tonsillitis Ear Infection, Motion Sickness, Spasms & Cramps, Eye infection, Conjunctivitis, Stye, Fears

Bryonia Alba

Help’s with – Dry cough, Flu with Headache, Inflamed Joints, Fractures & Sprains, Arthritic Pains, Constipation, Appendicitis, Migraines, Sciatica.


Help’s with – UTI Urinary Tract Infections, Burns & Scalds with Blisters, Sexual Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Gastritis, Gastroenteritis & Dyspepsia


Help’s with –Anticipatory Anxiety, Public speaking & Exams etc, Vertigo, Tension Headache, Blurred vision, Cold & Sneezing, Diarrhea caused by stress.

Nux Vomica

Help’s with – Gastric Remedy, Nausea, Indigestion by over indulgence, Anger issues, Male sexual complaints, Insomnia, Hangovers, Complaints caused by Alcoholism


Help’s with – A Woman’s remedy. Menstrual irregularities, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, PMS, Painful Periods, Morning sickness during pregnancy, Urinary incontinence.

Carbo Veg

Help’s with – Digestive Disorders, Bloating, Flatulence, Colic, Cough, Asthma & Bronchitis, Runny Nose & Nose Bleeds, Laryngitis, Bleeding Gums


Help’s with – Emotional distress /shock remedy for, Loss, Grief, Breakup, Insomnia, Stomach Cramps, Headaches, Depression, Menstrual irregularities


Help’s with – Bleeding, Nose Bleeds or Heavy menstrual bleeding, Respiratory issues, Asthma with tightness in chest, Difficulty in breathing, Burns that are very sensitive.


Help’s with – Purging splinters, Acne, Congested Glands, Ears & Sinuses, Constipation, Lack of confidence, Stamina, Concentration, Severe toothache.

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Please be advised that if symptoms persisit stop taking any remedies and seek a doctors advice

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